Let’s STEAM Ahead (Case of 30 books)
July 8, 2020
Be A Change Agent (Case of 30 books)
July 8, 2020California ABC (Case of 30 books)
The mission of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) is to provide the highest level of service and public safety to the people of the State through licensing, education, and enforcement. The Department’s workload is divided into three elements: administration, licensing, and compliance. ABC Agents are peace officers under Section 830.2 of the California Penal Code and are empowered to investigate and make arrests for violations of the Business and Professions Code that occur on or about licensed premises. Agents are further empowered to enforce any penal provisions of the law any place in the State. Licensees who violate State laws or local ordinances are subject to disciplinary action and may have their licenses suspended or revoked. These licensees are entitled to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge and an appellate process to the State Supreme Court.
The book honored the memory of Casey Goodwin, an advocate for positive, healthy lifestyles cut short by the very thing she spent her young life fighting against, drinking and driving. Casey was only 20 when she was killed by an 18-year-old drunk driver as she traveled home from college for her mother’s birthday. She was devoted to the prevention of alcohol-related issues, and was recognized all over the State of California as an advocate for her peers. Casey’s Pledge encourages young people to commit to staying alcohol-free or not drinking and driving, and not getting in the car with a drinking driver.