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Making It Better In Our Community (Case of 30 books)
July 8, 2020
The Fitness Challenge (Case of 30 books)
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No More Bullies (Case of 30 books)



No More Bullies opens with Mr. and Mrs. Miller speaking to their children about a little boy who was hurt by bullies. Before they leave the house, the family discusses techniques that can be used to successfully counter bullying. During the course of the book, each child encounters or sees a form of bullying and is faced with the dilemma of how to stop it. Questions at the bottom of the pages are included to bring about needed discussion between adults and children on this important topic. At the end of the book, there are some helpful suggestions for countering bullying, along with portions of the district’s formal policy regarding bullying.

The illustrations in this book are captivating. Each page has been masterfully crafted in a collage fashion, combining artistic skills, flowing fabric and real life attachments, making the reader want to touch each page. Our illustrator conceived this striking technique in her thesis at the San Francisco Art Academy.